Radio ARA is a free and alternative radio station. Numerous volunteers and associations are producing radio shows. We are the station with the biggest language and music diversity in Luxembourg. With Graffiti, our youth shows, we also give a voice to the youth. Unfortunately, running a radio station is linked to costs: technical equipment, administrative staff, rent, etc. In order to be able to further improve our program and our reception, we are dependent on your help. You have different possibilities to support radio ARA:
flattr is a microdonation service. The principle is easy: you open a flattr account and every time you like some content and want to support it, you just press the correspondent flattr button. At the end of the month, the amount of money you defined when creating your account, will be divided by the clicks. More information on flattr:
Every penny is important!
Radio ARA at flattr.
You can support Radio ARA with a donation through the Oeko-Fonds. Please indicate the following on your bank transfer: “project Radio ARA”. Our account details:
IBAN LU96 1111 0734 1886 0000
(donations you make through the Oeko Fonds and that are superior to 125 Euros per year are tax deductible.)